
Extra-curricular activities: developing skills, friendships and confidence

Self development
4. 8. 2023
Involve your children in extracurricular activities that have many benefits !

As well as giving children the opportunity to improve their skills and interests they can also boost confidence, social skills and the ability to manage their time. These activities allow children to meet new people, form friendships and develop their personalities outside the school environment.

Tips from our cafeteria :

  • you can support your children's physical fitness in the Dance kids or in the plaveckom klube Azeta

  • if you want to join in the activities with your children, visit the weekend swimming and inline course organised by the Benitim

  • Kid genius will take care of children's healthy mental development in a fun and playful way!

  • small as well as big artists can develop their creative side in the Ateliéri Lubika

  • individual tutoring, preparatory courses for eight-year grammar school, bilingual grammar school and high school - all provided by the vzdelávacie centrum Cielene

Or simply use your budget to buy a voucher to the HoplaLand children's world, where the kids will have fun and forget about their daily school duties..

We are thinking of you.

Benefit Plus

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