
The three most common mistakes when using employee benefits

Culture and entertainment
Self development
13. 4. 2023
Many employees receive benefits in the form of a cafeteria. Although employers provide these benefits to their employees, often employees do not take full advantage of them. What are the most common mistakes in taking benefits?

You will lose your money

Benefit points are actually money that you can use at specific suppliers. Most points have an expiry date, after which they are forfeited without refund. If you don't use these points by their expiry date, you will often lose tens of euros. You can use your benefit points to buy things you normally buy: vitamins, optics, books, travel...

You only use the pharmacy

In the daily rush, we usually don't have time to look for where you could use your benefits. Often colleagues will tell you that they sometimes go to the pharmacy and pay there. Benefits can bring so much more, not only to you but to your loved ones as well. Just be inspired and you can spend a weekend with your family, treat yourself to a new book in the evening or take your other half to the cinema.

You don't use smaller balances

After a big purchase, are you left with a small balance and you leave it that way? It's the same as throwing the same amount in euros in the trash. With many providers, you can split your payment into a benefits-paid portion and a cash-paid portion. Or you can also link your private payment card to your Benefit Plus account to top up your balance.

Don't know where to spent your budget? Just look for inspiration on our website.

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